The Alpha Course

The Alpha Course is a ten-week experience designed especially for seekers and newcomers (although anyone is welcome to take it).  In Alpha, we examine questions of the meaning of life in the context of a meal, some humor, aAlpha logo short teaching and a chance for free response and discussion (within a small group setting) to the topic being considered.  Some of the subjects being examined are:  Does God guide us today?  How to resist evil?  What can I do with the rest of my life?  How and why should I pray?  and Who is Jesus and why did he die?

The Alpha Course is offered twice a year at St. Thomas Church.  A nursery can be provided for those who need it.  The evening begins with dinner at 6:30p.m. There is no cost but freewill contributions for the cost of the food are welcome.

An Alpha Celebration Dinner, which is a night to discover what Alpha is like with no obligations, will be held in the Spring, at 6:30pm, in the Parish Hall.  Please phone the church office to let us know you are coming.


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